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Maryland BMSB Information
BMSB Researchers in Maryland:
- Cerruti Hooks, University of Maryland
- Paula Shrewsbury, University of Maryland
Maps and Resources
This full-color guide provides identification information for stink bugs of agricultural importance in the upper southern region and mid-Atlantic states. Source: Virginia Cooperative Extension.
April 3, 2017 Send a Suspected BMSB Specimen to Rutgers University
If you believe that you have captured a BMSB and would like an expert to identify it, mail in your specimen and the Rutgers Department of Entomology will contact you for verification. Source: Rutgers University.
November 17, 2015 Diagnosing Stink Bug Injury to Vegetables
In the mid-Atlantic, vegetable crops are attacked by several different stink bug species. The primary pest species include the brown marmorated stink bug, brown stink bug, green stink bug, and harlequin bug. Source: Virginia Cooperative Extension, November 2015.
September 25, 2012 Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Control: Keeping Stink Bugs Out of Your House
BMSB have begun to move to potential overwintering sites, which include homes, garages, and barns. Here are tips to stop them from getting inside. Source: Mike Raupp, University of Maryland Extension.
June 5, 2012 Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Information from Maryland
This overview of BMSB resources covers stink bug feeding and damage, research, and more. Source: Home and Garden Information Center, University of Maryland Extension.
News and Updates
This year, homeowners may encounter fewer stink bugs due to a colder winter, followed by a warmer spring. Source: WTOP, May 2, 2017.
March 10, 2016 Temperature Affects Stink Bugs More than Any Other Factors
Entomologists from Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware determined that temperature is the primary driver of stink bug patterns, and they identified differences in thermal tolerances among native and invasive stink bugs. Source: Entomology Today, Mar. 10, 2016.
May 14, 2013 Designing Stink Bugs Out of Landscapes
Researchers want to know whether the brown marmorated stink bug can be designed out of landscapes.
July 26, 2012 Researchers Discover the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug's Winter Hideout
New insights into the invasive pest’s behavior could help growers protect farms located near woodlands.
May 21, 2012 Milburn Orchards Using Lights to Fight Stink Bugs This Summer
Nathan Milburn is hoping to shed some light on the damage stink bugs are doing to crops all over Cecil County, DE. Source: Newark Post Online, May 21, 2012.
February 5, 2012 Storms May Have Killed Off Many Stink Bugs
Scientists aren’t sure if we’ll see fewer of them when warm weather returns. Source: Baltimore Sun, Feb. 5, 2012.