» Host Plants
Host Plants of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in the U.S.
Brown marmorated stink bug adults feeding through the bark of an elm tree (Ulmus sp.) (photo: M. Raupp) |
A publication of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug IPM Working Group in conjunction with the Northeastern IPM Center
Contributing authors (in alphabetical order):
Erik Bergmann, Karen M. Bernhard, Gary Bernon, Matthew Bickerton, Stanton Gill, Chris Gonzales, George C. Hamilton, Chris Hedstrom, Katherine Kamminga, Carrie Koplinka-Loehr, Greg Krawczyk, Thomas P. Kuhar, Brian Kunkel, Jana Lee, Tracy C. Leskey, Holly Martinson, Anne L. Nielsen, Michael Raupp, Peter Shearer, Paula Shrewsbury, Jim Walgenbach, Joanne Whalen, and Nik Wiman
Since its initial discovery in eastern Pennsylvania in the mid-1990s, the invasive brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB, Halyomorpha halys [Heteroptera: Pentatomidae]) has become a conspicuous insect in residential areas and farms in the mid-Atlantic U.S. As part of several ongoing research projects, entomologists have been observing which plants this insect typically uses for food and reproduction in its new environment. BMSB is a tree-loving bug but has a very broad host plant range. We have observed it on hundreds of plant species in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
In the spring, BMSB adults emerge from overwintering sites and become active during warm sunny days. During this time, adult bugs can be found on virtually any plant that exposes them to the sun. Trees, shrubs, and ornamental plants that are near BMSB overwintering shelters often serve as the best places to observe early bug activity. Tall plants and trees tend to have more bugs on them than plants lower to the ground. As adult bug activity increases throughout the month of May and as mating, egg laying, and nymphal development occurs throughout the summer, BMSB can be found on a wide range of plant species (Table 1). Plants bearing reproductive structures, such as fruiting bodies, buds, and pods, tend to have more bugs than plants without these parts. Furthermore, BMSB prefers certain species of plants more than others, often at particular times during the growing season. These plants, listed in boldface in Table 1, may provide the most suitable habitat and/or nutrition for BMSB. The list of host plants for this bug will undoubtedly grow as the pest spreads to new regions.
Table 1. Plants hosting BMSB adults and immature stages in the United States. Plant species in bold represent those with the highest densities of bugs in a given habitat.
Habitat* |
Genus |
Species |
Common Name |
Image |
Orn. |
Abelia |
× grandiflora |
glossy abelia |
Agric. |
Abelmoschus |
esculentus |
okra |
Orn. |
Acer |
buergerianum |
trident maple |
Orn. |
Acer |
circinatum |
vine maple |
Orn. |
Acer |
japonicum |
Amur (Japanese Downy) maple |
Orn. |
Acer |
macrophyllum |
bigleaf maple |
Orn. |
Acer |
× tegmentosum |
Manchurian snakebark maple |
Orn. |
Acer |
griseum |
paperbark maple |
Orn. |
Acer |
negundo |
boxelder |
Orn. |
Acer |
palmatum |
Japanese maple |
Orn. |
Acer |
platanoides |
Norway maple |
Orn. |
Acer |
× freemanii |
Freeman maple |
Orn. |
Acer |
rubrum |
red maple |
Orn./Wild |
Acer |
saccharum |
sugar maple |
Orn. |
Acer |
saccharinum |
silver maple |
Orn. |
Acer |
pensylvanicum |
striped maple |
Orn. |
Acer |
campestre |
hedge maple |
Orn. |
Aesculus |
× carnea |
red horse-chestnut |
Orn. |
Aesculus |
glabra |
Ohio buckeye |
Wild |
Ailanthus |
altissima |
tree of heaven |
Agric./Orn. |
Amaranthus |
caudatus |
love-lies-bleeding (amaranth) |
Orn. |
Amelanchier |
laevis (syn. × grandiflora) |
Allegheny (apple) serviceberry |
Agric./Orn. |
Antirrhinum |
majus |
garden snapdragon |
Wild |
Arctium |
minus |
lesser burdock |
Agric. |
Armoracia |
rusticana |
horseradish |
Wild |
Asimina |
triloba |
pawpaw |
Orn. |
Baptisia |
australis |
blue wild indigo |
Agric. |
Beta |
vulgaris ssp. cicla |
Swiss chard |
Orn./Wild |
Betula |
nigra |
river birch |
Orn. |
Betula |
papyrifera |
paper birch |
Orn. |
Betula |
pendula |
European white birch |
Agric. |
Brassica |
juncea |
wild mustard |
Agric. |
Brassica |
oleracea |
cabbage, collards |
Orn. |
Buddleja |
spp. |
butterflybush |
Agric. |
Cannabis |
sativa |
hemp |
Agric. |
Capsicum |
annuum |
cayenne pepper |
Orn. |
Caragana |
arborescens |
Siberian peashrub |
Orn. |
Carpinus |
betulus |
European hornbeam |
Agric./Orn. |
Carya |
illinoinensis |
pecan |
Wild |
Carya |
ovata |
shagbark hickory |
Orn. |
Catalpa |
spp. |
catalpa |
Orn. |
Celastrus |
orbiculatus |
Oriental bittersweet |
Orn. |
Celosia |
spp. |
cock’s comb |
Orn. |
Celtis |
koraiensis |
Korean hackberry |
Wild |
Celtis |
occidentalis |
common hackberry |
Orn. |
Cephalanthus |
occidentalis |
common buttonbush |
Orn. |
Cercidiphyllum |
japonicum |
katsura tree |
Orn./Wild |
Cercis |
canadensis |
eastern redbud |
Orn. |
Cercis |
canadensis var. texensis |
Texas redbud |
Wild |
Chenopodium |
berlandieri |
pitseed goosefoot |
Orn. |
Chionanthus |
retusus |
Chinese fringetree |
Orn. |
Chionanthus |
virginicus |
white fringetree |
Orn. |
Cladrastis |
kentukea (syn. lutea) |
Kentucky (American) yellowwood |
Orn. |
Cornus |
macrophylla |
(large-leaf) dogwood |
Orn. |
Cornus |
officinalis |
Asiatic (Japanese cornel) dogwood |
Orn. |
Cornus |
kousa |
kousa dogwood |
Orn./Wild |
Cornus |
florida |
flowering dogwood |
Orn. |
Cornus |
racemosa |
gray dogwood |
Orn. |
Cornus |
sericea |
redosier dogwood |
Orn. |
Cornus |
× Stellar series |
dogwood |
Agric. |
Corylus |
colurna |
filbert, hazelnut |
Orn. |
Crataegus |
laevigata |
smooth (English) hawthorn |
Wild |
Crataegus |
monogyna |
oneseed hawthorn |
Orn. |
Crataegus |
viridis |
green hawthorn |
Agric. |
Cucumis |
sativus |
garden cucumber |
Agric. |
Cucurbita |
pepo |
field pumpkin (summer squash) |
Orn. |
Diospyros |
kaki |
Japanese persimmon |
Orn./Wild |
Elaeagnus |
angustifolia |
Russian olive |
Wild |
Elaeagnus |
umbellata |
autumn olive |
Agric. |
Ficus |
carica |
edible fig |
Orn. |
Forsythia |
suspensa |
weeping forsythia |
Wild |
Fraxinus |
pennsylvanica |
green ash |
Wild |
Fraxinus |
americana |
white (American) ash |
Orn. |
Ginkgo |
biloba |
maidenhair tree (ginkgo) |
Orn. |
Gleditsia |
triacanthos var. inermis |
thornless common honeylocust |
Agric. |
Glycine |
max |
soybean |
Orn. |
Halesia |
tetraptera |
mountain (Carolina) silverbell |
Wild |
Hamamelis |
virginiana |
American witchhazel |
Wild |
Hamamelis |
japonica |
invasive witchhazel |
Agric. |
Helianthus |
spp. |
sunflower |
Orn. |
Heptacodium |
miconioides |
seven sons flower |
Orn. |
Hibiscus |
moscheutos |
crimsoneyed rosemallow |
Orn. |
Hibiscus |
syriacus |
rose of Sharon (hibiscus) |
Agric. |
Humulus |
lupulus |
common hop |
Orn. |
Ilex |
aquifolium |
English holly |
Wild |
Juglans |
nigra |
black walnut |
Orn. |
Juniperus |
virginiana |
eastern redcedar |
Orn. |
Koelreuteria |
paniculata |
goldenrain tree |
Orn. |
Lagerstroemia |
indica |
crapemyrtle |
Orn. |
Larix |
kaempferi (syn. leptolepis) |
Japanese larch |
Orn./Wild |
Ligustrum |
sinense |
Chinese privet |
Orn./Wild |
Ligustrum |
japonicum |
Japanese or wax-leaf privet |
Orn. |
Liquidambar |
styraciflua |
sweetgum |
Wild |
Liriodendron |
tulipifera |
tuliptree |
Wild |
Lonicera |
spp. |
honeysuckle |
Wild |
Lonicera |
tatarica |
Tatarian honeysuckle |
Wild |
Lythrum |
salicaria |
purple loosestrife |
Orn. |
Magnolia |
stellata |
star magnolia |
Orn. |
Magnolia |
grandiflora |
southern magnolia |
Wild |
Mahonia |
aquifolium |
hollyleaved barberry (Oregon grape) |
Orn./Agric. |
Malus |
domestica |
apple |
Orn./Wild |
Malus |
× zumi |
crab apple |
Orn./Agric. |
Malus |
pumila (syn. domestica) |
paradise apple |
Orn. |
Malus |
sargentii |
Sargent’s crab apple |
Orn. |
Malus |
baccata |
Siberian crab apple |
Orn. |
Metasequoia |
glyptostroboides |
dawn redwood |
Wild |
Mimosa |
spp. |
sensitive plant (mimosa) |
Wild |
Morus |
alba |
white mulberry |
Wild |
Musineon |
divaricatum |
leafy wildparsley |
Orn. |
Nyssa |
sylvatica |
blackgum (tupelo) |
Wild |
Paulownia |
tomentosa |
princesstree (paulownia) |
Orn. |
Phalaenopsis |
spp. |
moth orchid |
Agric. |
Phaseolus |
spp. |
bean |
Wild |
Photinia (syn. Aronia) |
spp. |
chokeberry |
Wild |
Phytolacca |
americana |
American pokeweed |
Orn. |
Pistacia |
chinensis |
Chinese pistache |
Orn. |
Platanus |
occidentalis |
American sycamore |
Agric. |
Prunus |
armeniaca |
apricot |
Orn. |
Prunus |
avium |
sweet cherry |
Orn. |
Prunus |
cerasifera |
cherry plum |
Agric. |
Prunus |
dulcis |
almond |
Orn./Agric. |
Prunus |
× incam |
cherry |
Orn. |
Prunus |
incisa |
Fuji cherry |
Orn. |
Prunus |
laurocerasus |
cherry laurel |
Agric. |
Prunus |
persica |
peach |
Wild/Agric. |
Prunus |
serotina |
black cherry |
Orn. |
Prunus |
serrulata |
Japanese flowering cherry |
Orn. |
Prunus |
subhirtella |
winter-flowering (Higan) cherry |
Orn. |
Pseudocydonia |
sinensis |
Chinese-quince |
Orn. |
Pyracantha |
spp. |
firethorn |
Orn. |
Pyrus |
fauriei |
Korean sun pear |
Orn./Agric. |
Pyrus |
spp. |
pear |
Orn. |
Pyrus |
calleryana |
Callery (Bradford) pear |
Orn./Agric. |
Pyrus |
pyrifolia |
Chinese (Asian) pear |
Orn. |
Quercus |
robur |
English oak |
Orn. |
Quercus |
alba |
white oak |
Orn. |
Quercus |
rubra |
northern red oak |
Orn. |
Quercus |
coccinea |
scarlet oak |
Wild |
Rhamnus |
cathartica |
common buckthorn |
Orn./Wild |
Rhus |
typhina |
staghorn sumac |
Wild |
Robinia |
pseudoacacia |
black locust |
Orn. |
Rosa |
canina |
dog (native) rose |
Wild |
Rosa |
multiflora |
multiflora rose |
Orn. |
Rosa |
rugosa |
rugosa rose |
Agric./Wild |
Rubus |
spp. |
raspberry, blackberry |
Agric. |
Rubus |
phoenicolasius |
wine raspberry (wineberry) |
Orn./Wild |
Salix |
spp. |
willow |
Wild |
Sassafras |
albidum |
sassafras |
Agric. |
Secale |
cereale |
cereal rye |
Agric. |
Solanum |
melongena |
eggplant |
Agric. |
Solanum |
lycopersicum |
garden tomato |
Orn. |
Sophora |
japonica |
Japanese pagoda tree |
Orn. |
Sorbus |
airia |
winterbeam |
Wild |
Sorbus |
americana |
American mountain ash |
Orn. |
Spiraea |
spp. |
spirea |
Orn. |
Stewartia |
pseudocamellia |
Japanese stewartia |
Orn. |
Stewartia |
koreana |
Korean stewartia |
Orn. |
Styrax |
japonicus |
Japanese snowbell |
Orn. |
Symphytum |
spp. |
comfrey |
Orn. |
Syringa |
pekinensis |
Peking (Chinese) tree lilac |
Orn. |
Tetradium (syn. Euodia) |
daniellii (syn. hupehensis) |
bee-bee tree (Korean euodia) |
Orn. |
Tilia |
americana |
American basswood |
Orn. |
Tilia |
tomentosa |
silver linden |
Orn. |
Tilia |
cordata |
littleleaf linden |
Wild |
Tsuga |
canadensis |
eastern hemlock |
Orn. |
Ulmus |
parvifolia |
Chinese elm |
Orn. |
Ulmus |
americana |
American elm |
Orn. |
Ulmus |
procera (syn. minor) |
English (smoothleaf) elm |
Agric. |
Vaccinium |
corymbosum |
highbush blueberry |
Orn. |
Viburnum |
dilatatum |
linden arrowwood |
Orn. |
Viburnum |
prunifolium |
viburnum (blackhaw) |
Orn. |
Viburnum |
× burkwoodii |
viburnum |
Agric. |
Vitis |
vinifera |
wine grape |
Wild |
Vitis |
riparia |
riverbank wild grape |
Agric. |
Zea |
mays |
corn |
* Orn. = ornamental/landscape; Agric. = agricultural crop; Wild = wild, woodland
Brown marmorated stink bug adult on peach in May, Kearneysville, West Virginia. Photo: T. Leskey.
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Mating pair of brown marmorated stink bug adults on mimosa in June, Salem, Virginia.
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Brown marmorated stink bug adults feeding through the bark of an elm tree (Ulmus sp.). Photo: M. Raupp.
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Brown marmorated stink bugs congregate on Chinese pistache (Pistacia chinensis) in Sacramento, California. Photo: Baldo Villegas.
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Brown marmorated stink bugs on trident maple (Acer buergerianum). Photo: Chuck Ingels.
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Brown marmorated stink bug on wild mustard (Brassica juncea var. Florida Broad Leaf). Photo: Anthony DiMeglio (Virginia Tech).
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Brown marmorated stink bug nymphs on the fruit of staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina). Photo: Thomas P. Kuhar.
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First instar BMSB on an almond tree (Prunus dulcis). Photo: Jhalendra Rijal (UC Cooperative Extension & Statewide IPM Program).
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